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Financial Literacy Month

Three stacks of coins in varying heights next to a jar full of coins.

April is Financial Literacy Month!

National Financial Literacy Month is a great opportunity to assess your financial wellness.

Financial wellness means taking steps to live within your means, planning for future financial health, and managing your money in a way that gives you peace of mind. 

This month we highlight resources and opportunities to learn about balancing your income and expenses, minimizing debt, saving for the future, and managing financial-related stress.

  • Financial Literacy Month Resources

    • Find discounts on a variety of products and services, with no fees or membership requirements, administered by Beneplace

      If you haven’t signed up yet, simply visit Beneplace to register and create a free account.

    • Get the Expert, Objective Help You Need 

      Just call your ComPsych® GuidanceResources® toll-free number: 888-228-9831

      You’ll be connected to a highly trained, caring clinician who will talk with you about your specific situation and schedule a phone appointment for you with one of our financial experts. Their in-house staff includes Certified Public Accountants, Certified Financial Planners, and other professionals dedicated exclusively to providing financial information to you by phone. And because our experts are not associated with any financial institution, you are assured that they will provide impartial and objective information on your money topics. Their financial experts can help you with:

      • Credit card and debt management 
      • Budgeting, retirement, and estate planning
      • Tax and real estate questions
      • Financing for college
      • Investment options
      • Mortgages, loans and refinancing


      Whether preparing our taxes, planning for retirement, or just covering the monthly bills, many of us worry about our financial fitness. While none of us can control the economy, there are steps we all can take to boost our financial security. 

      The following tools from ComPsych Guidance Resources can help:

      • Resource Guide: Financial Resilience
      • Tips for Simplifying Your Financial Life
      • Small Steps to Secure Your Financial Future
      • Budgeting as a Family
      • Online: Personal Finance Center
      • Webinar: Psychology Behind Saving Money


    • Emergencies may arise for any employee at any time, and when they do, unplanned out-of-pocket expenses can cause financial destabilization. In these situations, the employee may have limited options and may opt to seek high-interest loans, default on their debts, or even file for personal bankruptcy. Financial stress has a negative impact on an employee’s health and well-being, as well as their job performance.

      Texas State University Employee Emergency Assistance Loan Program will issue short-term emergency loans to benefit-eligible employees who have an immediate need for funds as the result of an emergency and have no other source of money available within the time necessary to act, or who have a dire personal financial hardship. 

      A fund will be established and maintained by the Office of Human Resources, with funds donated by generous faculty and staff year-round. Loans in the amount of up to $1,000 will be issued to individual employees who apply for funds in accordance with the expressed need, subject to fund availability. To the extent permitted by the Texas Public Information Act, an employee’s application for and receipt of an Employee Emergency Assistance Loan is confidential.

      • Meet with a Financial Professional
      • Interactive Tools & Calculators:
        • 403(b) Contribution Calculator - Helps you determine the maximum elective salary deferral contribution you may make to your 403(b) plan.
        • Estate Planning Action Center - Learn about estate planning basics to help you plan your estate with confidence.
        • Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) Calculator - Helps you calculate your Required Minimum Distributions for this year.
        • Roth Contribution Modeler - Helps you compare the effects of traditional and Roth savings plans, now and in retirement.
        • Take-Home Pay Calculator - See how your pre-tax contribution might affect your take-home pay.
        • The Fidelity Retirement ScoreSM - Get a snapshot of your retirement just by answering these six easy questions.
        • Your Contribution Maximizer - Use this tool to help you maximize your contributions by calculating amounts and looking at IRS limits.
      • Webcast Hub - Practical conversations to help you live well financially, today and tomorrow.
    • FutureFIT University features education modules below that address your needs:

    • Financial matters are complicated. That's why we've gathered advice and education in one place, so you can start getting answers to the financial questions that are important to you.

      Watch TIAA's financial education live webinars in April and beyond, featuring titles such as:

      • Fine-tuning your retirement strategy: Investing toward a secure future
      • Start to Finish: The early career woman's guide to financial wisdom
      • Invest for Success: 5 principles you need to know
        & many more!

      View top articles across categories such as:

      • Personal Finance 101
      • Retirement & Beyond
      • Life Milestones
      • Prepare for the Unexpected
    • Our goal is to meet you where you are by providing the tools and resources you need to begin your savings journey and develop better financial habits to achieve your goals. 

      "Save for What Matters Most." 
      Saving can be challenging, and we know you have many competing financial priorities. When you pay yourself first, even if it is a small amount, it’s a strong start.

      Resource center
      Our resource center offers a variety of educational materials to help employees start saving and learn about financial literacy. These resources include tips, articles, and live and on-demand videos. 

      Blog articles